
My Soccer Girl

Last week Lucy finished up her second season of Soccer. I opted to skip the "professional" and just take some pictures myself. It's hard to capture her cute spirit but I think it shines through.

And now some action shots! Also, take a second and see if you notice anything odd about those next three pictures?

How about how there are three colors on the field? This particular game our team didn't have enough players so some of the red team from the hour before ours stuck around. It was red and yellow against green. If that wasn't confusing enough for the kids, they also decided this was the game they wanted to add in the idea of changing sides at halftime which they hadn't done before. There was a lot of kicking the ball the wrong way and stealing the ball from your own side and parents yelling "no, no, the other way!" But everyone had fun and the yellow jackets were glad they had a chance to play so alls well that ends well. 

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